Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Ritzy Chicken Nuggets and Capery Salad

This month's random recipe challenge, Dom asked us to pick our favourite cookery book, open a page at random and cook the recipe on that page. It's hardly a surprise to any of yous that my favourite cookbook is from the one and only... the Domestic Goddess... Nigella Lawson. I love all of her books, but my favourite has got to be the beautifully written, Feast - Food That Celebrates Life.

As the title suggests, the book is about the way we use food to celebrate life, from holidays to everyday pleasures and occasions. It includes everything from Christmas, Hanukah, Thanksgiving, Eid, Easter, Halloween, etc; also occasions like Sunday lunch fit for the In-Laws, weddings and even... funeral. I am also still working my way through the chocolate cake hall of fame chapter.

Both these recipes come from the 'kiddiefeast' chapter and they're really nice. I haven't had chicken nuggets for years. Ritzy chicken nuggets refer to the crushed Ritz crackers used as the breadcrumbs to coat the slices of chicken that have been tenderized by being marinated in buttermilk. Serve with the tangy capery salad and also for me, ketchup...

Ritzy Chicken Nuggets
Recipe by Nigella Lawson
For list of ingredients and instructions, click here.

Capery Salad to turn Ritzy Chicken Nuggets into a grown-up meal
Recipe by Nigella Lawson
Serves 4 - 6

4 little gem lettuces
2 large gherkins
1-2 tablespoons capers
2-3 tablespoons chopped parsley

For the dressing
2 tablespoons gherkin brine
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard

Slice the little gem into 1 cm slices across the lettuce and put into a bowl. Dice the gherkins and add to the lettuce with the capers.

Combine  the dressing ingredients, whisking together, and then pour over the salad, tossing it to mix. Arrange on a couple of plates and sprinkle over the parsley. And then just bring on the nuggets.


  1. Looks delicious. How did chicken nuggets become a kid food? I like the idea of the ritz crackers. Cheers to Nigella.


  2. your love-affair with Nigella is never ending but I love what you write about her and I agree, she is truly the ultimate Domestic Goddess... those chicken nuggets are simply brilliant!... thanks so much for taking part again this month... i'm very jealous of your oven!

  3. I've been dreaming up ways to make my own chicken nuggets for a long time, but have yet to do anything about it. Now I feel challenged.

  4. I do a butter baked chicken with Ritz crackers, love it.

  5. I'm hopeless at following recipes...sure disaster. Will always follow my instincts when I cook...

  6. I find crushed (cheese) crackers like Ritz a nicer substitute for bread crumbs.

  7. Never had nuggets coated in Ritz before, it sounds heavenly crunchy! I like the ketchup on the side, I'm sure Nigella adds it too but just kept the fact away from the public ;-).

  8. Oh yum! Chicken nuggets covered in Ritz cracker crumbs??? That sounds awesome!

  9. So great! Sometimes I think that kiddie food is way better than adult food...plus I love chicken nuggets!! I usually coat mine in the crumbs from the bottom of the cornflakes bag...but ritz crackers sounds amazing...they are already so buttery!! yum yum as always :)

  10. Hmmm... I want to do that too! Random cook... but I'm on my cleaning-up my pantry phase at the moment, about to leave the country for 3 months soon.
    I don't have anything to comment about the chicken, except just give it to me! How can anyone reject fried chicken?! And with salad is just a perfect night in.

  11. Mmmmmm... ritzy chicken nuggets!! All of a sudden I want those right now!! :)

  12. I like the idea of using ritz crackers to coat the chicken. They look very crispy!

  13. Browsing through your blog after the recent comment...how could I have missed these yummy chicken nuggets, and the little gems of capers, and gherkins in the cute lettuce cups?
    Well, didn't take any time at all...printed recipe out. Absolutely loving it!
    Wonderful presentation, as well!!

  14. Chicken nuggets? Why not? Why should children be the only ones to enjoy them? I had a slight feeling that you might choose Nigella as a favourite.

  15. Haha HA! I love it. Nuggets are the best and I wouldn't feel guilty eating them with the ritzy title. :))) The salad looks great, a nice combo actually. I dig it buddy. Great random recipe. Kids meals are always great, I don't understand why I can't order a kids meal when I go to a restaurant, it just doesn't make sense. Hope your having a fab week. Xxx

  16. I'm surprised the caper salad was from the kiddie section - I always think of capers as a very grown up thing to eat - not something I ate as a child anyway! How times have changed! I love the chicken nuggets too.

  17. Woooooo! I love salad. It looks delicious. Will do this at home on the weekend. :-)
